Posts by admin

Age ain’t nothing but a number, and it’s never too late. Kimberly Raven can prove it.

Age ain’t nothing but a number, and it’s never too late. Kimberly Raven can prove it.

Words are powerful. A few words can determine the future of an individual. What a person says to another can...

Small town girl with grown woman dreams!! Learn about Ashleigh Moore.

Small town girl with grown woman dreams!! Learn about Ashleigh Moore.

There are thousands of stories of how someone from an unknown area of the country ends up being recognized on...

Athletes, be the leader or stand aside for someone that will lead.

Athletes, be the leader or stand aside for someone that will lead.

  Jameis Winston has been suspended for 3 NFL games. The below video is Damion Woody’s take on the matter....

Time to experience good karma, introducing Karma Jai

Time to experience good karma, introducing Karma Jai

In life many try to live their lives the right way. To treat people right, respect individuals around them. In...

The word “Ambition” truly defines who Ny is.

The word “Ambition” truly defines who Ny is.

  There used to be a time where everyone around you was ambitious. You were encouraged to be so. People...