It’s not over yet, Beatrice still has much to do!!
Whether it’s Junior High, High School or College graduation day is always something that you remember. Putting on the gown,
moving the tassle,
throwing the hat in the air, partying with friends and family,
it’s all special. Beatrice recently graduated and is now a willing and able medical assistant (any who work at hospital or doctors office reading this, please drop a line!).
Of course there was adversity in Beatrice reaching this goal. Stress of employment, issues with people that don’t want her to succeed, income issues, and more. However, these things did not stop her. On top of all of this, she is also pursuing her dreams of modeling and acting.
Similar to her pursuit of education, she has encountered obstacles that have hindered her achieving her goals. But again, she has not allowed herself to be slowed. Recently, she traveled to Atlanta and had a great photo shoot with COC Photography and attended a casting for Bronner Brothers, which was her first casting.
Many people let where they live, employment, “so-called” friends,their family, and other things stop them from trying to accomplish things in life. If you really want to do something, you can do it. Sometimes it takes longer than you want, but to give up is to give in. A measure of a person can be weighed by how much they are able to endure the trials before the success. Beatrice has done a great job so far, and she has nothing but positive things in store!! Congrats to her!!