Where is the beer?
We made it out of Ft Myers 4 hours after I wanted to leave. Hertz almost had me yelling “bomb” at the airport because tho I paid for a car, they said they couldnt let me rent it. On top of that, they said they couldn’t reach anybody to find out why. After being mean to people and other attempts to fix the issue, we rented car at higher rate using Jerika’s info (which we would not have been able to do if she hadn’t gotten her license that morning)
After we got the car, we waited on Beatrice to meet us at airport. But she got pulled over for speeding, so that slowed us up a bit.
Left town around 4pm. Once we reached St Petersburgh, stopped at Subway so Beatrice could eat and I could charge my phone so I can find Shenese. As we sat, started noticing strange things around us. I made a physical notation of one of the things we saw.