Are you ready for the worst case scenario?

I wrote an article about the #jobs being cut at #CNN last year. That #Target is closing 11 stores. Now #CocaCola is cutting 1800 jobs. Walgreens is closing 200 stores. Wal-Mart shut down 5 stores because of plumbing issues for 6 months, laid off everybody, gave them 2 months severance, then said their jobs are not guaranteed when the store re-opens. Mcdonald’s is closing 700 stores this year. RadioShack closed “all” of its stores, they’re out of business…….JP Morgan is laying off 5000 people to “save money”.

Whether its worldwide or in your backyard, people that thought they would work in the same company forever are now out of work. If they had no backup plan at all, they face the very real possibility of losing their home, car, everything. It happened to me. Went to work one day, pulled into office, told that they are cutting positions. I held things off for 6 months, lost my apartment right before I found a new position only to lose that position for being “over qualified”. I was told I was too good, and since there were no executive positions available, they were going to pay me until I found a new position somewhere else..Unfortunately, there was nothing available and I lost everything and ended up being homeless for a time.

Do you have options in case you lost your job? if not, why? If you have options have you acted on them? have you been saving money over the past 5-10 years? Have you been investing in stocks or precious metals? Have you made private investments in different companies? Do you have your own business that you operate? Are you doing “something”? If you can’t show and prove that you are “indispensable” to the company you work for, there is the possibility you can lose your job.

It’s not about loyalty, not about how much they like you, its the bottom line. But guess what, there are some ignorant people that make decisions in some of these companies and so even if you are the most “productive” person, you could still lose your job. I used to work at Coca-Cola. I worked, believing I was going to work there for years. I applied for different positions after I was there 9 months and had gotten very proficient at my current position. I never heard back from anyone. I go to HR, and somehow they can’t find a listing of my applications. I find a job willing to pay me $3 more an hour than what I was making. When I tell the manager I’m leaving, she tries to convince me to stay (at the same position mind you), then asks if I could come in on weekends to “help out” and I’d get paid “time and a half” from a company I know longer actually work for. Does that make any sense?

If you have never thought about this, the beginning of a new year is the best time to do so. you don’t want to wake up one morning and see your company on the news laying off people, then you get a call “not to come in”….. Are you ready to protect yourself? Are you ready to begin looking at different avenues and options to maintain the lifestyle that you are used to. Or are you just so used to “making ends meet”, it doesn’t matter? Are you living or existing?

Be selfish. Protect your family.

What are your thoughts? Email me at Would you like help with reviewing options that could help you be more prepared? Call me at 706-393-8426 today. Maybe you’ve thought about starting your own business and you need help with creating a business plan, a marketing plan, etc. Maybe you need a website, a tv commercial. Have you looked at the thousands of franchises out there that are out there that you could be involved with? It doesn’t hurt to know what is available to you.

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