She stood 5″7′, body like a goddess sent from the heavens. Dangerous curves that made other women jealous. A face of an angel. With a light caramel complexion. Softer than silk ribbon. Medium length ringlet curls. A smile that could melt any heart. A laugh that could bring the loneliest out of the dark. But there was more to her then what meets the eye. She was a lonely girl. Spent her nights in solitude. That’s when she would cry. Being mistreated was all that she knew. Not knowing her true worth. She allowed the demons through. A broken home. And unhealthy relationships. Drained all her esteem. She tried to fight it but couldn’t help it. Over time she grew cold. Forced to give up on her dreams. Chasing the only thing she has ever known. She was attracted to being mistreated. But soon she would grow taller as her rose came through the concrete. Still slightly holding on to the baggage at her feet. She’s learning to deal with her insecurities. Never meant harm. Especially to the ones she loves. But she has come way to far to give up on love. She promises to be better. For herself and her mate. She hopes he can look past all of her PAST mistakes. Her imperfections are what truly makes her a STAR. Cause in this world nobody is perfect. But many will say and act like they are.
Trotta “)
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Toya Marie , Chris Royster. Chris Royster said: @Baby_Loke17 is a talented writer as well. […]