Miami loves Ms. Bridgé, soon everyone will know the reason why!

She is a director, an actress, magazine publisher, event hostess, and so much more. But many do not know about Ms. Bridgé. Born and raised in Chicago, growing up was very difficult. Having three brothers and two sisters that she never saw until later in life as she was funneled through the foster care system, Ms. Bridgé learned very quickly about responsibility, and how to overcome hardship.

As the years went by, she began developing what would be her professional passions. In High School she directed her talent show. Very recently, she began conducting interviews at several events related to fashion, TV, film, and the arts. World renowned men and women such as Barbara Streisand, Angela Bassett, Barbara Walters
and Robert De Nero provided the examples she needed on how to achieve success.

To date, her biggest accomplishment is the creation of Lmh Mag (, which since 2009 has over 300,000 readers. Ms. Bridgé doesn’t plan to stop there however. She is working on several television and feature film scripts, as she looks to direct multi-million dollar films. Already she has produced the movie premier featured on Deco Drive called “Married Men and Single Women” by Steven Drayton, Jr (Flavor Flav’s brother).

To get away from it all, Ms. Bridgé enjoys designing jewelry, writing, and feeding homeless cats in the South Beach area. As a former model, she is true workout fanatic. But you actually could see Ms. Bridgé at Popeyes
as you would Leons for barbeque when it comes to food. She is a supporter of the American Heart Association, Call of the Whales, Go Red For Women and is a member of ASCAP.

Over the last few years Ms. Bridgé has carved her niche in Miami, and now is looking to expand her brand throughout the U.S. and worldwide. Stay tuned for the next evolution of Ms. Bridgé.

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