This is our team, be an Atlanta Hawks Fan.


You don’t know what a team can do until they play. How can you determine if a team is a contender? Most here don’t watch baseball, so it was a complete surprise to see the Braves play winning baseball. Most here didn’t even know we had a soccer team (even though the inaugural season was last year), so they are shocked they are in first place, leading in goals, and leading in attendance. Most don’t watch any basketball, don’t know any of last years players, players from 5 years ago or know who Duane Ferrell is. But somehow they know that this version of the Hawks can’t compete, has no chance to win AND SHOULD NOT TRY TO WIN. That’s just silly. Why?


All you have to do is look at last year as a basketball fan and hawk fan. Hawks weren’t blown out each and every game. Hawks won 24 games, not 12 or 15. Hawks lost 35 games by 10 points or less despite injuries, a dozen different rotations, players being bought out, G league players getting called up, not having any defensive discipline (how do you overhelp on people that can’t score?). But despite that, this year, this team can’t compete. We have a coach that will demand defense first. We have 2 scorers drafted that can get their own shots, we have a Tristan Thompson stopper, and we have Prince who is a legit contender for all star this year, Collins who is going to grow into his own, Dedmon who was more than solid last year, Baze who had a big bounce back season compared to the year before. Nobody plays to lose games. nobody coaches to lose games. Adjustments can be made to remove people from team to move towards a different direction and that happened last year. We now have a different direction and now you step on the gas. East is wide open “now” not 5 years from now. Several teams in the east have not gotten better, some are going to get worse. Hawks are poised right now to do what the previous versions of the Hawks could not do, be viewed as a threat in the East. We have several players as “go to” guys in Prince, Trae, Kevin, shoot Tyler Dorsey proved he can be relied on (helped get team back into plenty of games last year). Our defensive play will be worlds better than in the past, especially on the perimeter and pick and rolls. Games we lost by 5 points or less will begin turning into wins, because we will be able to hold a lead or have a real chance to win because of shooters. People should be mad excited and instead they rather watch the team not do well and complain and be upset. To hope for a team to lose is not being a fan. Be an Atlanta Hawk fan.

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